Giving hope in an uncertain world

Tenzi Chacha at the women's empowerment program

Many of the teenage girls in Kehancha, Kenya, face a bleak, uncertain future.

Only about half of the girls in this region make it to secondary school. A huge number are engaged in child labor. Poverty and squalor are rife in this area. And teen pregnancies are on the rise, forcing young women to leave school, into early – often abusive – marriages, and further curtailing any opportunities they may have for productive employment.

At City of Hope, we have clearly felt God’s call to help. As a result, a new SEW program – building on the huge success of the program in Tanzania - has been launched in Kehancha, under the leadership of Tenzi Chacha. Here, teenage girls – all of them single moms – are trained to become seamstresses as well as being taught other valuable life skills. Once their training is completed, they are given the option to start their own local tailoring business or work for the TENZI brand that has a broader market than what local business can offer them. Empowering these precious young women enables them to provide for themselves and their families in a way that simply would not be possible otherwise.

Tenzi shares that "learning a trade not only gives these women an opportunity to raise income but it also raises their hopes. The program provides a safe environment where we laugh and learn a lot."  Please keep these young women in your prayers as they learn new skills, build friendships with one another, and experience the love that God has for them!

You can find out more about Tenzi’s work – and purchase some of the beautiful products that have been made by these young women – at

Would you partner with us to change forever the lives of these precious young women?

Watch Tenzi’s recent conversation with our CEO, Matt Parker here: