Vulnerable girls are now safe and on the path to healing!


Our safe house in Kenya is ready to welcome The next girl!

Susan* suffered a traumatic event perpetrated by a close family member and does not have a relative that can protect her or provide care. Susan is currently in boarding school but cannot return home during school breaks due to the violence and danger she faces. In collaboration with a government officer at the Kenyan Children’s Department, who has been caring for Susan herself, we made the decision that she will come to us in early December after finishing her exams.

Much care and counseling are needed for this young teenager who has experienced such trauma and violence. Our staff has already started providing counseling to her, and she is showing tremendous improvement. We are excited to welcome her to the safe house soon, where she will receive love, safety, counseling, and medical care.

Please pray for Susan as she finishes her semester at school and for our staff as they provide her with counseling and prepare for her arrival. Pray also for justice for Susan, as this matter is now in the Kenyan court - and progress is very slow.

AN Update on Theresa - and other progress

A few months ago, Theresa* and her young baby were the first girls welcomed to the safe house. Through counseling and care, Theresa has shown incredible growth. Our staff reports that “she is more hopeful, and recently wrote down a vision and plan for her life. We are confident that she is on the right path to healing.”

Professional counseling is also being offered to girls who have survived abuse in the past. Over the past month, we have also begun counseling two other girls who have experienced horrific abuse but whose cases were never reported.

We are working with local schools and community groups to raise awareness about abuse and how it can be prevented. On July 14, our staff met with ten local guidance counselors from primary schools to discuss preventative measures for child abuse. These local champions are vital in the fight against abuse as they work closely with children in the community.

YOU are helping make a lasting difference in the lives of vulnerable girls like Theresa and Susan. Thank you!

Join the rescue team!

A great way to help provide rescue, safety, and healing to at-risk girls is by joining the rescue team as a Hope Ambassador!

Hope Ambassadors contribute $20 a month ($240 annually) and help provide clothing, food, medical care, and counseling for vulnerable girls at our safe house.

Join us as we take a stand against abuse and violence facing many vulnerable girls and young women in Kenya!