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Amani Medical Center

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Saving Lives in Tanzania

Before Amani Medical Center opened, women in our local communities had no hospital to go to when they gave birth. Many women died as a result - and a high number of children died during their first few months of life.

In many parts of Africa, deaths from treatable sicknesses - diarrhea, malaria, pneumonia - continue to be commonplace. Waterborne diseases, HIV/AIDS, and the more recent threat of COVID-19 are significant challenges. And many people have little knowledge about how to care for themselves and prevent illness for themselves and their children.

In response to these challenges, Amani Medical Center exists to provide quality healthcare, health education, and support for young moms and their children.

Quality healthcare

We address a critical lack of hospitals in the region by providing high-quality, affordable healthcare to the local community and the children at City of Hope.

Health education

We are a center of excellence for medical care in the region, offering local people free training on hygiene, preventing sickness, and other basic health care.

CARE FOR MOMS and YOUNG children

We reduce maternal and infant mortality rates and health problems affecting mothers and babies. This includes providing ongoing support for new moms.

Latest Stories of Hope from Amani Medical Center

Julie* is from a remote and impoverished community in rural Tanzania. Quality medical care is not easily accessible to the vast majority of the communities in this region, and most families could not afford the fees even if they are able to get to a hospital. That's why Amani Medical Center exists - to provide free, quality health care to the surrounding communities and villages. Thousands of patients are served at Amani each year, and this number continues to grow!

Last month, Julie's mother brought her to Amani Medical Center after she began suffering from a painful cough, high fever, and debilitating headache. At only six year old, Julie's body was extremely weak and unable to fight off the infection. The medical team at Amai quickly intervened and upon assessment discovered that Julie had a severe case of pneumonia. The infection was advanced, and without the proper medical care, it could have cost Julie her life. After a few days of proper medications and IV fluids, Julie's pain began to dissipate. She began to regain her energy, smile, and appetite - all of which are good signs. Three days later, Julie was discharged and she was strong enough to walk out with her mom on her own!

Amani Medical Center continues to grow…

In 2023, the incredible medical team at Amani served over 13,000 - nearly double the patients compared to the year prior! This included:

  • 572 babies delivered

  • 1,028 pregnancy visits

  • 1,192 cases of malaria treated

  • 734 dental extractions

On top of the thousands of patients served, we also provided care, advice, and medicines to 11,000 moms and their young children!

Because of your support, vulnerable children and families have renewed hope for their futures!


Partner with us to save lives in Tanzania


Since 2007, Amani Medical Center has made significant progress in improving medical provision and saving lives in our community.

Thanks to the support of our partners, our doctors and nurses have provided healthcare and health education to thousands of people, delivered hundreds of babies, offered effective prenatal and postnatal care to young mothers, and provided training to medical staff from around the region.

But the work is far from over! Will you join in the fight against preventable sicknesses and deaths in this community?

Here’s How You can partner with Amani medical center:

  • GIVE by becoming a Hope Partner. Our Hope Partners contribute $100 or more a month to the work of Amani and receive regular updates, reports, and stories.

  • PRAY for our staff as they serve thousands of patients each year. Pray for wisdom and continued learning as they change the face of healthcare in this remote region. Pray for those suffering from illnesses and for more people to learn about preventative measures and how to take care of themselves.

  • SERVE by coming on a medical mission team or as a volunteer to Amani and our other care programs at City of Hope.

Thank you for being part of saving lives!